THESERA is developing and producing cosmetics with the best quality, based on the TDN technology, developed by THESERA R&D team.

THESERA’s technology is considered leader in the field of anti-aging solutions. With our experienced researchers, we pursue safe but absolute treatment for every skin type. Extraction : We extract powerful active agents from natural ingredients to develop harmless cosmetics. TDN Double Encapsulation : We encapsulate the natural active agent in double-layer to protect it from the external environment, including pH and temperature. This allows active agent to pass through the skin and be absorbed from deep inside the skin.


THESERA collects the strengths of cosmetics and medical products, and these products have been enhanced to make your skin healthy and beautiful.


We have our own patented technology, and constantly develop new technologies to increase the effectiveness of our products and raw materials.

THESERA has proven its reliability through many certification agencies in South Korea and overseas, and has brown into a brand trusted by customers.

We have conducted numerous clinical trials and skin irritation tests for each product and provide reliable results.

Theresa’s main technology, the TDN, is the advanced version of liposome mechanism. Active ingredients are double capsulated and protected from external environment, which ensures that they are absorbed into the skin deeply and safely.

The manufacturing processes and formulations are further improved by using natural ingredients and compounds with pH compatible with the function that the products are meant to achieve.