My Skincare Professional, THESERA
Beauty begins with THESERA
THESERA has a professional training system to provide the painless treatment and clinical results to the valued clients having skin concerns.
Specialty Shop
The best curriculum for the theory and demonstration, necessary for the treatment
Training for the product and beauty devices
Regular communication through professional training on products and the latest beauty trend

Specialty Shop
THESERA Specialty Shop is the official title given to a salon/shop if they have completed THESERA’s professional curriculum.
Medicosnical THESERA provides customized solutions for skin concerns with a lot of experience and clinical trial results with the best technology.
The aestheticians of THESERA Specialty Shop who have mastered the exact use through the training satisfy their clients.
The skin’s natural beauty will be safely restored at THESERA Specialty Shop without pain and side effects.
Benefit of the
Specialty Shop
Sign board & Diploma
THESERA product training book
Certification No. & Logo
Brand item
Marketing materials
Exclusive promotion for specialty shops